I’m done with the Road Blocks!


Interesting how often and easily we are steered off course of our goals and dreams. Distractions, disappointments and detours are a constant in life. For me it has often been detours from road blocks and not just from living life as a wife and mom but from essential business tools. My website went down, or my manuscript got lost, or the “update” is too complicated, or I need to learn HOW to work this new system, app or program first –and there seems to be an “innovative new” something every 6 months. These constants road blocks have caused much heartache on the road to achieving my writing and career goals. In fact for years it stopped me in my tracks from continuing my writing career. Enough already.

I’ve been LOVING Priscilla Shirer’s Bible Study “The Armor of God”. It was yesterday I got my latest AHA moment! Our enemy the devil “wants to distract you, sister. So he can blindside you…he’s studied your tendencies and habits, your deepest fears and weaknesses, and has aimed at those areas in particular [to stop you in your tracks]” (pg 130 The Armor of God). The humor is I’ve KNOWN this for years but tend to forget with each distraction, disappointment and detour. Enough is enough. I’m reminded of my “life verse” “The thief comes to steal, kill and destroy. Jesus came to give us life and life abundantly. (John 10:10)”

Hang in there and KEEP ON MOVING when you are derailed in your dreams and goals. God has a purpose and plan for each of our lives and his GPS is ready, willing and able to redirect us back on course at any and every moment. Road blocks will continue to appear throughout our lives, but your spiritual GPS is always turned on. The key is, are you tuning in and LISTENING to the Holy Spirit as your GPS redirects?

Victorya Rogers

Hey all, I’m an Author, Life Coach & Speaker. This is my personal blog aimed at encouraging and equipping women to make better choices so you can live the thrilling life God planned just for you! I write on relationships, dreams, daily life, and life transitions. I’ve written 4 books, including “Finding a Man Worth Keeping.” I spent more than a decade as a Hollywood Talent Agent and met my Husband at the Golden Globe Awards then left Tinsel Town for love, marriage and happily ever after.


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